January 2017
A time of visitors to the gardens, screaming kids on school holidays, coping with growth much verdant
and fruit trees that don’t want to fruit. The usual endless tweaking of the gardens, keeping on top of
rampant Sculpture Walk growth and now it’s begining to look dry, time to balance the water flow to the
ponds and maybe fit in some sculpture.
Not a lot to report except maybe that the blackbirds have learnt to hover the pond edge and grab
hapless tadpoles of the semi legged variety basking in the shallows of the waters edge.....
So for a bit of filler material I may as well feature the two sculptures created late last year. The first
has featured, so here it is in the garden setting and the second created last October. She who must be
obeyed..... Heather seemed quite pleased with them and that is pleasing so here they are for perusal.
Balancing Act
I rather like the last one................ anyway they are the first two in a new series of sculpture called
“Fragments in Time” a very aptly named series if one is to look at the nature of the stone used.
Another block of stone was immediately put on the bench ready to evolve(?), it still hasn’t been even
marked with a pencil.
With it being the end of the month, the hordes (ahem) somewhat slowed down this post will close with
a couple of photos the first being of a Nikau Palm in flower and the other........... well you decide.