I have been informed by a fan(?) displaying clear questioning overtones to voice, that there were no
postings for September. It was duly noted that it was now the 2nd of October and excuses made but
really there is not much cure for “....can’t be bothered” however rectification was promised so we have
this retrospective masquerading as a timely post for all those that do not read this......
This months header image besides being a random grab from September’s photographic forays is of a
cluster of Kauri regenerating on the hills above. Most awesome to see such growth in the slow recovering
forests of Tapu Valley. This tight knit grouping is rather surprising in that despite appearances the age
of the trees probably range from 40 to 150 years
Click the pics for larger views
This Month Never
2015 - September
3rd September or thereabouts
Another sculpture is finished and now mounted in the outdoor gallery area.
It has a name “Weaving the Arch of Time” or WAT ?
I not so secretly have to admit to being none to impressed with this creation and this at least in part
due to an obstrobulous piece of stone and grumpy chisels, nothing to do with me of course........ but it
grows on one with each viewing, each shedding of opinion, a metaphor for life in general maybe.
Mid month
By now it has become so obvious that spring is in full fling, gorgeous arrays of blossom, Cherry, Rhodies,
Plum, Peach, Camelia, Kowhia and even a bunch of different Bromiads despite their winter beating.
Another sculpture for the outdoor gallery, something nameless that speaks for itself to those with the
eyes to hear, and now to be found perched on a pole under the old magnolia just by Dreaming the Void.
Another slab now sits on the bench awaiting inspiration to strike (rather than the Magnolia seed pod
bombs that randomly on the Hammer Dome).
So that’s it for this month I’m off outside to enjoy the vibrant electric greens, eye popping reds and
wonderful lack of leaves to rake.
........... and inquiring minds will no doubt want to scrutinize the following image of a standard Mahara
breakfast with it’s home baked bread, sprouted lentils with home pickle, home brewed tomato sauce
served with a satisfying squirtle from a red and green plastic tomato of Kiwi traditional styling. I dare
not show a photo of that as “her that must be obeyed” could well terminate my breakfast subscription
for admiting to the world that there is even such a thing in the house........... hehe
More spring views of the moment